Unlocking The Secrets Of PRP Facial Treatments What You Need To Know

Unlocking The Secrets Of PRP Facial Treatments: What You Need To Know

30 Nov, 2023 posted by Daniel

What exactly is PRP?

When blood is placed into a centrifuge, it separates into three distinct layers: plasma on top, platelets and blood cells in the middle, and red blood cells at the bottom. PRP comes from the center part, known as the “serum portion,” says Philadelphia-based board-certified Doctor Steven Matta MD. This powerful substance is critical to the treatment because it promotes cell repair and stimulates collagen and elastin production, which are vital to maintaining firm and smooth skin. Crucially, the facial harnesses the power of your own plasma obtained from a blood sample — not someone else’s.


PRP Gel Filler: A Natural Alternative to Dermal Fillers :Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 

PRP Gel Filler, often referred to as Bio-Filler, is a revolutionary approach to aesthetic treatments. It’s a procedure that uses your own blood plasma to rejuvenate your skin and restore youthfulness. This innovative technique transforms Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) with Platelet-Poor Plasma (PPP), a component of your blood, into a gel-like substance that serves as a natural filler for your skin. Unlike traditional synthetic fillers, PRP Bio-Filler is autologous, meaning it comes from your own body, making it a safer alternative.


Vampire Facelift®

The Vampire Facelift® offers a novel approach to skin rejuvenation for individuals aiming for a youthful glow without resorting to surgery. By leveraging the body’s inherent healing and regenerative abilities, this treatment promises visible results quickly. It’s an outpatient procedure, allowing participants to witness transformative effects on the very day of treatment. Moreover, the skin continues to regenerate, prolonging the benefits for months and, in some cases, beyond a year.


Vampire Breast Lift

The Vampire Breast Lift is a revolutionary, non-surgical breast augmentation procedure that utilizes the patient’s own blood to enhance the breasts. This unique method involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into the breasts, which stimulates the production of new collagen, elastin, fibrin, and adipose tissue. The result? Enhanced, fuller-looking breasts without the need for incisions or a lengthy recovery period.


What are the benefits of a PRP facial?

Yes, they’re bloody, but there are numerous benefits to getting PRP facials. Some of them include:


It makes your skin appear tighter and smoother: When platelet-rich plasma is applied to the skin in a non-invasive procedure, it triggers cell turnover and boosts the production of collagen and elastin, resulting in a firmer, tighter, and more supple complexion, Mary Anne Matta, MS, MA, LAC at Meeting Point Health in Philadelphia, previously told us.


It helps with scarring: Microneedling with PRP can churn out fresher skin cells and promote healing, leading to a visible improvement in the appearance of acne scars. Several studies have looked at the potential scar-improving benefits of the procedure, with promising results. For example, a 2014 study showed that microneedling with PRP can improve scars more effectively than topical vitamin C.


It fades hyperpigmentation and evens skin tone: In a comprehensive analysis of PRP therapy published in 2021, the authors note that previous studies have demonstrated the ability of PRP to effectively decrease melanin production, thus reducing excess pigmentation and resulting in a more even skin tone.


What is it like getting a PRP facial? 

Wondering how your blood goes from coursing through your veins to being used in a vampire facial? Well first, your provider will apply a topical numbing cream to your face, allowing it to take effect while they go about the next step: drawing blood from your arm. Generally, they will collect around 10 to 15 milliliters of blood, which equates to one tablespoon, says Dr Steve Matta .


After collecting your blood, the practitioner spins it in a medical centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the red blood cells. This sets the stage for the main event of the facial: they use a specialized microneedling device to create tiny holes, or microchannels, on the skin’s surface. These microchannels serve as pathways for the extracted PRP, which your provider applies topically. The whole process takes around an hour and a half in total, according to Lal.


After a PRP facial, your skin may look red, slightly swollen, and potentially itch, though it shouldn’t be painful, says Lal. The redness can persist for anywhere from 12 to 24 hours, says Dr Matta, and there’s also a chance your skin may peel for a few days. To maximize the benefits of your treatment, Mary Anne suggests avoiding makeup until the peeling has subsided.


Although the term “vampire facial” specifically refers to PRP combined with microneedling, there are other ways to take advantage of the benefits of platelet-rich plasma, even if they don’t fit the vampire facial definition. For instance, according to Mary Anne, injecting PRP superficially under your skin is another effective way to stimulate collagen production and rejuvenate your skin. Your dermatologist can also combine PRP treatment with other skin procedures like microdermabrasion or resurfacing lasers like Fraxel can amplify its effects. Whichever you choose will ultimately depend on your specific skin-care goals and the expert advice of your provider.


PRP Before and After

PRP Before and After
A patient before and after one PRP facial session


Vampire facials have earned a reputation for producing impressive results. According to Dr. Stephen Matta, DO, MBA, CAQSM Co-founder of Meeting Point Health, Philadelphia the best way to achieve optimal results is “a series of at least six PRP injection treatments, spaced about four weeks apart.” However, patients can still expect to see improvements after just one session, evidenced by the accompanying image. In the case of the patient shown in the above photos, Mary Anne says, “You can see a visible reduction in redness, diminished acne scarring, and improved overall skin texture.”


What are the risks of getting a PRP facial?

While the sight of blood-splattered selfies may be unnerving, the risks associated with a PRP treatment are minimal since it uses your own blood, says Dr. Matta. “There is little risk of reactions,” he adds. Mary Anne shares the same view and cites the potential risks as scarring, sun sensitivity, and infection on the skin surface or at the injection site.


Who benefits most from PRP treatments?

Those with fine lines and wrinkles, high levels of sun damage, or anyone who desires a fresher, more even-toned complexion are ideal candidates for the vampire facial. However, you should avoid PRP treatments if you have a history of blood diseases, including clotting or bleeding disorders.


How much does PRP cost?

How much PRP costs is based “on the area of the country, who’s performing it, and the process involved in extracting the platelets and the amount of PRP that’s harvested,” says Shirazi. All agree that the cost of a vampire facial can vary, stating that it can range from $1,500 to $2,000 per session.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that your provider may recommend multiple sessions, adding up to an even higher final cost.


PRP Pros and Cons

The “pros” of a vampire facial include its minimally invasive and non-surgical nature and its ability to improve the skin’s overall appearance while targeting specific issues like acne scars, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. The most notable con is the price tag. “This is a costly procedure, and results are not guaranteed,” cautions Dr Matta. Also, certain supplements or medications could potentially interfere with platelet function, so it’s crucial to discontinue them beforehand. “Blood thinners, aspirin, ibuprofen, garlic, turmeric, and arnica are examples of supplements or medications that can affect platelets,” he explains.